Brain Tap


At Dream Oasis Health & Wellness we are happy to be a licensed partner and affiliate of the BrainTap technology. What is BrainTap? We are glad you asked!

Brain Tap is a technology-based system that combines light and sound therapy with guided mediation to help promote relaxation, stress reduction, and mental clarity. The light and sound frequencies used in Brain Tap are designed to help synchronize brainwaves and induce a state of deep relaxation. Interested in what you can achieve with Brain Tap? Click the link below to find out more.

doctor with human Brain anatomy model. World Brain Tumor

During a Brain Tap session, the user will wear the accompanying headset and listens to the guided meditation while the light and sound frequencies are delivered. The audio recordings often incorporate visualization techniques, relaxation exercises, and positive affirmations in order to further enhance the experience.

Come and experience for yourself the benefits of what a Brain Tap session can do for you. Currently our world is so fast paced, we are bombarded by screens, increased responsibilities with our family and work life, there’s no time to reset. This is where Brain Tap comes in, typically frequent continuous sessions will help enhance your focus, decrease your anxiety and insomnia, but a single session will also provide numerous benefits. Come in to experience your mental clarity and focus today!

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